Annual Awards for RTA apprentices


AFTER - Award For Training Excellence Recognition

All Regional Trade Assessment apprentices and RPL candidates are encouraged to register for the AFTER award.

All students who register will have a chance to win the AFTER award. This highly prestigious prize is awarded to a final year student who consistently demonstrates excellence in apprenticeship training. The award will be judged on student performance between February and November each year.


The winner will receive a Certificate an RTA T-shirt and An Apple iPad.
Runners-up will receive a Certificate and RTA T-shirt.


To enter fill out the registration form here

Judging criteria are based on all aspects of training including:

1. Attitude and effort in your approach to online studies.
1.1. Practical Knowledge Quiz answers researched and shows your dedication to seeking knowledge.
1.2. Consistent interactions with the online learning portal throughout the period of your session.

2. Ability to submit assessment materials consistently.
2.1. Signed practical assessment sheets correctly filled out and submitted with all 4 pages intact.
2.2. All documents submitted as PDF files at A4 size - including activities & assessments.
2.3. Photo and video evidence submitted at the same time as practical assessment sheets.
2.4. All files are labelled correctly including unit code, name of doc and student name.
2.5. Activities when required submitted at the same time as the practical assessment sheet.

3. Interaction with the assessor is maintained.
3.1. Ability to reply to text or email messages to acknowledge your receipt of communication from RTA.
3.2. Your willingness to reach out to your assessor either directly or through your workplace supervisor to maintain open communication with the training organization regarding your course.

See previous winners in our Blog here: